WAYNE, N.J. – The beginning of the end of the 2024-2025 season is underway as qualifier and championship tournaments start Friday. Across three locations, games are underway in youth and girls 12U through 18U divisions.
The tournaments will crown the first set of Atlantic District Champions this weekend in the girls and youth 12U categories. The girls tournament for 14U through 19U is taking place at Ice Line Arena in West Chester, Pennsylvania with the first championship matchups slated to take place Saturday afternoon. All of the 12U games are being played at Ice Vault Arena in Wayne, New Jersey.
This year marks the first time the affiliate is hosting a tournament for 12U Youth Tier-II and Girls Tier-I and Tier-II. The new event is intended to introduce families to the affiliate’s tournaments earlier, showcasing the competitive and collegial nature of the USA Hockey mission.
For the latest scores and advancements, visit AAHATournaments.org.